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Good, Bad, No Dad?

A Biblical Reflection on the Father Deficit in Contemporary Society Find out more

The Titus Revolution

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Gospel Church Government

John Owen's work on the Doctrine of the Church Buy Now

God for Sceptics

Our newest Evangelistic Book. Buy now to give to a friend you have been witnessing to Buy Now

Sermons from the Schemes

What does evangelism and discipleship look like among the working-class? Buy now

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We are a Christian publisher run by leaders of baptist churches with experience at the coalface of pastoral ministry in the United Kingdom.

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Grace Publications began in the 1970s with the publication of Grace Hymns. We then developed our concise Christian Classics series, simplified versions of the classic puritan works, now republished as Grace Essentials. More recently, our flagship series has been Nick Needham’s 2000 Years of Christ’s Power. For many years we have also published Geneva Bible Notes.

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