Give a Gospel
For every CSB Bible you buy using our code 'giveagospel', we'll donate a gospel of Mark to our partner Medhurst Ministries.
Medhurst will use your gift to share the good news of Jesus Christ to those in the poorest communities in England.
When you get to the checkout, make sure to use the code 'giveagospel' in the discount code box and we'll donate a Gospel of Mark to Medhurst Ministries at no extra cost!
More Information
As Christians we believe the Bible is the word of God: written for our instruction, profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. (Matthew 4:4, Romans 15:4, 2 Timothy 3:16–17) For the Christian, there is nothing more important than reading and understanding the word of God delivered to us in the Bible.
In 1526 William Tyndale finished the first complete translation of the NT into English. By 1535 the Bible in its entirety was published in English and it was not long until, in 1538, by order of King Henry VIII, an English Bible was to be placed in every church in England. Since then, the Bible has only become more accessible with the complete text having been translated into over 700 languages.
Even though the Bible has been available in England for over 500 years, many are yet to have read it and to have had the good news of the gospel shared with them. That’s why we’re partnering with Medhurst Ministries to get the Gospel of Mark to those in the poorest communities in England.
Medhurst Ministries is a network of churches and exists to take the gospel to the forgotten places of the United Kingdom. The board of Medhurst Ministries consists of experienced pastors and gospel workers who are ministering to communities in areas of deprivation with a vision to see at least 50 local churches that serve in areas of economic and spiritual poverty planted, revitalised and supported through the provision of training, grants, mentoring and resources.
When you buy a CSB Bible from us, use code 'giveagospel' to help Medhurst Ministries to share the good news of the gospel with those in economic and spiritual poverty.
How to participate
1. Buy any of these:
2. Use 'giveagospel' discount code at checkout
To support this initiative, add any number of CSB Church Bibles to your basket.
When you get to the checkout, make sure to use the code 'giveagospel' in the discount code box.
We'll donate copies of the Gospel of Mark to Medhurst Ministries at no extra cost to you!