The Grace Essentials Print Collection
The Grace Essentials Print Collection
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The Grace Essentials Print Collection

Grace Essentials 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26
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Get the 13 Books in Print

Absolutely Basic

Horatius Bonar and J.C. Ryle

This book contains two parts. The first, simplified and abridged from Horatius Bonar's The Everlasting Righteousness, deals with the substitutionary work of Jesus Christ. Bonar shows that, in Jesus Christ, God has provided the only way to deal with the problem of our sin. The second part, taken from sermons on Regeneration by J. C. Ryle, is about the new birth, about life after conversion. Ryle addresses what it means to be born again, and what this looks like in the life of a Christian.

An Alarm to the Unconverted

Joseph Alleine

What is conversion? What does it look like? And why does it matter? Joseph Alleine addresses these questions and more in this book, pleading with the unconverted to turn to Christ. Contrasting the life of the believer with the eternity facing those who are not in Christ this passionate appeal explains not only why, but how to give your life to God.

Aspects of Holiness

J.C. Ryle

Faithfully abridged, J. C. Ryle's iconic work Holiness is presented here for a modern audience. When writing this piece in the 19th century, Ryle was troubled by the worldliness which had infiltrated the church. He saw a neglect of holy living and recognised that this disease needed to be addressed. Two centuries later, this practical and insightful book is desperately relevant and helpful to anyone with a willingness to follow Christ wholeheartedly.

Biblical Christianity

John Calvin

Through exploring in turn the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Calvin's Institutes sought to achieve a "knowledge of ourselves" in light of "knowledge of God". This work, foundational to theological thought for five centuries, is presented here in a faithfully edited version - perfect for enriching Bible Studies or devotionals.

Born Slaves

Martin Luther

The Bondage of the Will, first published in 1525 and very possibly Luther's most famous work, argues against the idea that we choose salvation of our own free will. Born Slaves presents this work, retaining the distinctive style and voice of Luther, for a modern audience.

Christian Freedom

Samuel Bolton

Christian Freedom provides an accessible entry into Samuel Bolton's original work, The True Bounds of Christian Freedom, first published in 1645. This book is not simply an academic discussion of the issues; Samuel Bolton constantly reminds his readers of the gospel, and the great transformation that has happened to a person who has trusted in Jesus Christ. Bolton shows us clearly that real Christian obedience comes from a changed heart, and is motivated by love for God. He deals with the practical question of what happens when Christians fall into sin, and encourages us to rely on what Christ has done for us, rather than on our performance.

Christians Are Forever

John Owen

The fact that some who profess to be Christians fall away from the faith has always been an obstacle to God’s people, but we are told in the Bible that those who God has called are saved forever. How then are we to understand the saints’ perseverance in the Christian life? How are we to view our lives in the light of God’s everlasting covenant and Christ’s completed work of salvation? John Owen answers these questions in this book, a simplified abridgment of The Doctrine of the Saints’ Perseverance Explained and Confirmed.

God Willing

John Flavel

From the day of our birth, to the day of our death, God is working for the good of those who have been called according to his purpose. In this simplified and abridged version of his classic work entitled Divine Conduct: or The Mystery of Providence John Flavel addresses how God works providentially in our lives, as well as why and how we should think deeply about these providences.

Living with the Living God

George Smeaton & John Owen

Living with the Living God brings together two of the classic works on the person and work of the Holy Spirit from two of the most renowned theologians - George Smeaton and John Owen. Part one looks at the Biblical teaching concerning the Holy Spirit, as Smeaton leads us on a journey of exploration through Scriptures teachings on the Holy Spirit. Part two sees John Owen deal with the relationship between the believer and the Holy Spirit in our daily experience. Living with the Living God provides an accessible and practical opportunity for the contemporary reader in understanding the work of the Holy Spirit.

The Experience That Counts

Jonathan Edwards

What does it mean to be a Christian? Is Christianity a matter of the intellect alone? What about desires, feelings, and experiences? What is conversion? These questions are not new, Jonathan Edwards, the great American theologian tackled these, and many others, against the background of the First Great Awakening. These questions, and the answers Edwards gives to them, are profoundly relevant to us today. Find 'a guide for the perplexed' - a voice of clear Biblical and spiritual sanity to lead us safely through the maze of contemporary confusion in this crucial area.

The Ministry We Need

Richard Baxter

Richard Baxter believed that teaching was the minister’s main task. Equally, he believed that Christians should regularly approach their pastor with their problems, and that ministers should regularly disciple their congregations. Baxter’s main concern was that personal instruction in the Bible should be given to everyone, not just the young. It was this concern that brought The Reformed Pastor to birth. Faithfully presented here in a version edited for the modern audience, this book offers helpful, practical advice for those in leadership positions.

The Return of Prayers

Thomas Goodwin

This classic book by Thomas Goodwin shows us the riches that are available to us through prayer. It deals not only with how we may approach God in prayer, but also on how we know that God has indeed answered our prayers. There is a wealth of blessing here.

Walking with God

J.C. Ryle

This is a thoroughly biblical and practical guide to the Christian life. Ryle encourages us to see the reality of our present situation and the beauty of Christ, and to strive towards walking the way God shows us in his Word. This abridged and easier to read version of Practical Religion is sure to instruct and encourage Christians today.